Monday, May 5, 2008

Room Dividers for Kids rooms.

When I was decorating my kids bedroom, I decided to use an old divider screen as a part of their room decoration and to use my interior designing experience to convert this simple screen into an attractive one. It was a plain white 3 panel screen with black edges. I gave my children (who were little at that time) some glossy, shining construction paper and told them to cut out beautiful shapes from it. They cut out stars, snow flakes, circles (some looking like squares!) and other odd looking ones. I selected the best among them and with their help, began to glue them on the divider screen in patterns. Then, I cut out some gold paper and stuck it around the divider screen, just inside the black edge. Voila, my ‘plain Jane’ room divider screen was looking like a fairytale princess room divider all shiny and beautiful. The best part of it was that it was mainly my kids’ handicraft and they felt so proud of it. After the first redesigning, my kids regularly show their handwork on this divider screen by taking away the earlier decoration and giving it a complete makeover with a different theme like race cars, huge posters, star wars themed pictures, their favorite Xbox game related pictures and so on. When there is a slight disagreement between the as to what the next theme would be, I tell them to decorate each side of the room divider according to their interests. Another advantage of having this room divider screen in their room is that since they show all their artwork on this room divider and not on the walls, their bedroom looks relatively new and clean!

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